It is a great thing to celebrate our country's independence today.
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The news about the pioneer Nigerian Police Catholic chaplain is not new again even though some people have not really heard about it in detail. The Old Catholic and Apostolic church had been in existence even before the then Rev Fr. Fagbohun of Ekiti Catholic diocese joined the church which the Catholic Diocese of Ekiti really went against. He states that The formal separation occurred over the issue of Papal’s universal authority. It started in The Netherlands in 1724, creating the first Old Catholic Church. Fr. Fagbohun joined the religion in the year 2014 when he was being made the first Bishop in Nigeria and who in turn had been ordaining young ones so as to add to the number of the clergy in the country. It is observed that most of the people ordained are those who had been trained in the Roman Catholic Seminaries, who by chance could not make it to the Roman Catholic priesthood. The aim of the Old Catholic and Apostolic Church is totally against the aim of the Rom...
Ìbàdàn (Ìlú Ẹ ̀ bá-Ọ ̀ dàn) aka Ile Oluyole, Ilu Ogunmola Meaning: "Between the forest and plains" Ibadan - Running splash of gold and rust flung among seven hills, like broken china in the sun - J.P Clark. Location of Ibadan in Nigeria Ibadan, surrounded by seven hills, is located in south-western Nigeria. It is the capital of Oyo State, and is reputed to be the third largest indigenous city in Nigeria after Kano and Lagos respectively. It is populated dominantly by the Yorubas. It was founded in the 18th Century. According to local historians, before the existence of Ibadan, Oyo kingdom, a then very powerful kingdom governed a lion share of Yorubaland. Hence, Ibadan was born when, Lagelu, the Jagun (Chief of War) of the Oyo empire left the Oyo Kingdom with some of his best warriors from Oyo town, Ogbomoso and Ilesa, to found their military outpost to prevent attack on Oyo kingdom from surrounding towns such as Ijebu, Egba and Ado warriors and thei...
PART 1 THE NOTION OF ADULTERY IN YORUBA CULTURE Adultery is not only being focused on by religion and the society alone, it also exists in African culture, and this is why our focus in this chapter will be on the notion of adultery in Yoruba culture. Also, we were able to show the difference between polygamy and adultery, this is done because we do not want people to consider polygamy an adultery act, whereas it is being considered a type of marriage in most African countries, even though it is not common in some western countries, but it is common in Yoruba culture. So, how does Yoruba culture view adultery? Before we go into their notion on adultery, we shall firstly discuss morality in Yoruba culture which will then lead us to marriage in Yoruba traditional thought system, and this will enable us see reasons why adultery is considered immoral, and we shall also discuss the place of women when it comes to adultery, and this will also...
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