
Showing posts from 2015

TUNDE ODEKU: Nigeria’s First Neurosurgeon

Today, we will take a look at an outstanding Nigerian. An excellent doctor. The first black neurosurgeon to be trained in the United States. A patriot who sacrificed all for his nation. But he has largely remained in obscurity (especially to those outside the medical community). No thanks to a nation where governments would rather honour a thief, praise a criminal to high heavens and adorn a cabal with medals than celebrate the real heroes. HIS EARLY DAYS -On the 29th of June 1927, in the Adubieye Compound of a tiny settlement known as Awe, Afijio Local Government in the then Oyo Province of Western Nigeria, the cries of a chubby baby boy resonated through the thatched roofs of time-tested huts, bouncing against the soft palm fronds. A star was born. From a hamlet in Yorubaland of West Africa, he would go on to become the first professor of neurosurgery in Nigeria, the world’s most populous black nation. He was named EMMANUEL OLATUNDE OLANREWAJU ALABA the son of ODEKU. -His


The history of Nigeria can be traced to prehistoric settlers living in the area as early as 11,000 BC. Numerous ancient African civilizations settled in the region that is today Nigeria. An example of one of the civilizations that settles in Nigeria is the Nri Kingdom. Islam reached Nigeria through the Hausa States during the 11th century. The Songhai Empire also occupied part of the region. Lagos was captured by British forces in 1851 and formally annexed in 1861. Nigeria became a British protectorate in 1901. Colonization lasted until 1960, when an independence movement succeeded in gaining Nigeria its independence. Nigeria first became a republic in 1963, but succumbed to military rule in 1966 after a bloody coup d'état. A separatist movement later formed the Republic of Biafra in 1967, leading to the three-year Nigerian Civil War. Nigeria became a republic once again after a new constitution was written in 1979. However, the republic was short-lived, when the military led by M


It is a great thing to celebrate our country's independence today. All of us in Afrikalogy say: HAPPY INDEPENDENCE TO OUR DEAR COUNTRY NIGERIA AND OUR DEAREST NIGERIANS


It is a great thing to celebrate our country's independence today. All of us in Afrikalogy say: HAPPY INDEPENDENCE TO OUR DEAR COUNTRY NIGERIA AND OUR DEAREST NIGERIANS

Behold another female drummer

Drumming can not be left out in African cultural heritage because it is a mean through whch people are being kept alive joyously and ceremoneously. Below is the interview had with our guest who is a drummer: Afrikalogy:  What is your name, your age and family background? Ibk Gangan:  My name is Akinrinde Ibukunoluwa (a.k.a. Ibk Gangan).My parents, Pastor and Pastor (Mrs.) Olajide Akinrinde gave birth to me some 24 years ago, am the first child in a family of four, having two sisters and a brother.  Afrikalogy : What is your educational background? Ibk Gangan : I attended Redeemers High School at the Redemption Camp for my secondary education, after which I proceeded to Bowen University for my tertiary education where I studied one of the best courses in the world, Food Science and Technology. At the moment, I am running a master’s program in Food Technology at University of Ibadan. Afrikalogy : Why are you into music and when did you start? Ibk Gangan : Hmmmm, I guess


Hectorjoe's song "deja vu"

I used Juju during my playing days-Taribo West

Former Super Eagles defence strongman, Taribo West made a shocking confession recently. He revealed that during his football career days he used juju to play on the field. The ex-footballer turned pastor said he had a manager from Senegal and his manager would take him to several native doctors in Senegal where they will cut his tongue, hands and legs and then cook it. “I spend most of my time at home meditating. All I want to do is to keep spreading the gospel. In my own little way, I have been into evangelisation visiting places like Ughelli and within the Orile community, Ajegunle and so on. God has been kind during these visits to preach the gospel to people who are yet to receive Christ. We believe He will take us globally very soon,” Taribo said. It will be recalled that Super Eagles attacker, Brown Ideye came out and advised African players to stop using juju to enhance their playing prowess. “Your background experience counts. We turn to God to give us direction. I’m happy

Married my man for his handsomeness- a lesson for young ladies

I lived a very religious life in campus, and was not in any relationship at all. After school , I met this young handsome guy in 2006. Sincerely, I felt I didn’t not merit him because he is very handsome, while I am on the average beauty wise. The only thing that attracted me to him was the look. He was an hustler and lived a low income life. Throughout our courtship of 18months, He never gave me a dime. I came from a financially buoyant famiy, I therefore saw no need in asking him for anything, rather I was feeding him with three square meal. We got wedded in the year 2007, and I gave him the flower of my womanhood (virginity) but I was not really excited for just no reason. My husband is a caring man, but nags a lot. He nags about the way I handle bathing soap, the way you arrange plates in kitchen, virtually everything. I most often skip for fear each time he wants to talk because I believe he wants to complain again. I got a job before he did, but one thing I discover is that my

Meet Toyosi, an upcoming Yoruba Actress

Afrikalogy: May we meet you please? Toyosi: My name is Toyosi Whitney,from Ekiti state,a student of cooperative college, Ibadan, Oyo state. Afrikalogy: Can you tell us about your acting career? Toyosi: Acting is something I had loved to do right from my secondary school and have been acting now for the past years. I learnt from a director, Yusuf Arisekola {Arise} and I have featured in some movies, though, soon I plan on producing my own movie. Afrikalogy: What is your family opinion on your career? Toyosi: They like it and they have been encouraging me. Afrikalogy: Are you married? Toyosi: No Afrikalogy: How do you combine your career with academics? Toyosi: Hmm, it has not been easy but there is always a way they say n am tyring my best to make everything okay Afrikalogy: What are your challenges? Toyosi: There are lot of challenges. As an upcoming actress, you are being exposed to many insults most especially when you have not yet produced your own mo

Afrikalogy Magazine coming up soon

Dear friends, Afrikalogy is moving beyond online blogging to a magazine publication( Afrikalogy Magazine). So,  please you can forward your write ups  or articles on any of these topics to alabi4martin@ : African culture: Its uniqueness The effects of western ideology on the contemporary African culture Nutrition and African foods. We also have portion for fashion, sports, entertainment world, career talks, counselling corner children's corner and so on. You can start sending as soon as possible. Thanks and God bless you. Your friend, Alabi Martin Afrikalogy For further enquiries, contact 07015727359,


THE NOTION OF KNOWLEDGE According to the dictionary of philosophy, knowledge is the confident understanding of a subject, potentially with the ability to use it for a specific purpose. The Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy discusses the aspect of philosophy that concentrates on the study of knowledge to be the branch of philosophy which deals with the nature and extent of human knowledge. Another definition of this subject matter is found in the New Encyclopedia Britannica which holds that epistemology is one of the main branches of philosophy; its subject matter concerns the nature, origin, scope and limit of human knowledge. It is the task of the epistemologists therefore to refute and justify cognitive claims. Hamlyn aptly defines epistemology as the branch of philosophy which is concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge, its preoccupation and basis and the general reliability of claims to knowledge. The question here is why should there be a discipline such as episte

Meet Kaysax- the man with Saxophone

Here is an interview conducted with our upcoming artiste of the week. He  is a Saxophonist Afrikalogy : It is a pleasure to meet you. Can you please introduce yourself? Kaysax:  Yes, I am Awe olukayode Adewale. I am a native of Osun state, Ilesa to be precised. I was born into the family of Deacon and Deaconess oluseye Awe. I am the second born and the only male child surrounded with wonderful sisters Olubusola and Aderonke. I Graduated from the Department of statistics, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta FUNAAB. I am a lover of music and I love music with passion. Afrikalogy :  Can you tell us about your career as an Instrumentalist? Kaysax: I started playing musical instruments at the age of 13. I started with the drum-set in my church. What actually made me love music  so much was my secondary school. I was privileged to attend a military secondary school, Command day secondary school, Adekunle Fajuyi Cantonment Ibadan where the school valedictory service i

Do u think you are in a healthy relationship? By Alice Boyes Ph.D

You can name your partner’s best friend and identify a positive quality that the person has. 2. You and your partner are playful with each other. 3. You think your partner has good ideas. 4. You’d like to become more like your partner, at least in some ways. 5. Even when you disagree, you can acknowledge your partner makes sensible points. 6. You think about each other when you’re not physically together. 7. You see your partner as trustworthy. 8. In relationship-relevant areas such as warmth and attractiveness, you view your partner a little bit more positively than they view themselves or than most other people view them. 9. You enjoy the ways your partner has changed and grown since you met. 10. Your partner is enthusiastic when something goes right for you. 11. When you reunite at the end of the day, you say something positive before you say something negative. 12. You reminisce about positive experiences you've had together in the past. 13. You can name one of your

Success Floodgates

Do you realize how close you are to turning your dreams on your Dreamboard into a reality? If you could see how close you are to success, you would jump for joy!!! The truth is success is literally waiting to flood your life. The only thing you have to do, is tear down the “Success Floodgates” holding it back. Here’s 3 “Success Floodgates” holding back your dreams: 1. Making Excuses If we choose someone successful to look at as an example, like Steve Jobs, we’ll see that he never made excuses. When things went wrong, he didn’t blame other people. He didn’t refuse to accept responsibility for his own mistakes. He didn’t try to justify his poor choices. He didn’t make excuses because he understood that failure is going to happen. It’s not the end of the road – it’s one step on the road to success. In fact, the next Success Floodgate you have to tear down is… 2. Fearing Failure Like I already said, failure happens. But it’s not a dead end – it’s a step forward. Too many people r

The missing Unilag student FOUND

18year old Adigwe Anointing Jessica Obiageli who went missing on August 14th has been found.“A friend found her at the corridors of Madam Tinubu hall university of Lagos between 8-9pm yesterday and dragged her to her sisters room. She claims to have wandered off on her own wanting to be alone and away from people.” a family member wrote.

Wao!! See who is upcoming Artiste for the week

Afrikalogy: May we meet you please? Arike: Yes, my name is Arike Akinyanju, I am from Awe town in Afijio Local Government of from Oyo state. Afrikalogy: Can you tell us about your acting career? Arike: Yes, I joined Adebayo Tijani theatre group in year 2006. So far, I will say it's being GOD all the way, If I tell you it's easy,then I bet am telling u a big LIE. Afrikalogy: What is your family opinion on your career? Arike: My Family are my first fans,they love my job just how much they loved and all through my journey up to this present moment they never cease to support,care and love me and what I do.My friends are awesome, they encourage and support me too.  Arikalogy: Are you married? Arike: No, but I am in a relationship Afrikalogy: How are you able to combine your career with your relationship? Arike: My Career and Relationship is cool because GOD is mightily involved and I am forever grateful to HIM. Afrikalogy: How do you combine your career with